Saturday, May 9, 2009

Professional Nothing Doer

That sounds like a pretty sweet gig, methinks. It may possibly be my dream job, but I know that that position will always be held by "Chick Sexer" (not what it sounds like. They're the people who check the gender of baby chickens for 'distribution' and then toss them down chutes into other piles of baby chicks. Totally awesome).

That's basically explaining today (exciting, I know). Was going to head downtown, but time got away from me as it is oft to do. I ended up eating in the Pacific Cafe and being waited on in English which is a rarity there, considering the only two people I've ever seen working there are these nice middle aged Japanese women. It was possibly a result of my being white, but not in the way that is directly because I'm white. I was asked what drink I wanted, and for some reason was drawing a blank so I glanced over at the beverage list, and must have looked like a slack jawed foreigner as I stared blankly at a list of roughly 4 drinks because the question was repeated in English, and that furthered the rest of the order in the language.

Luckily, this guy was a student, and not like some of the less intelligible conversationalists from downtown.

I hate the word intelligible. It seems negativised already, but then you get unintelligible. Telligible should be the positive form. Then again, I guess we'd have telligent, and you'd sound pretty unsmart thanks to that.

Not sure if the post office is open on Saturdays, but here's hopin. I'll just try to get down there early, and then the rest of the day should follow accordingly.

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