This is why I didn't go out photographing various locales today. Durned weather almost blew me over when it caught my umbrella. And because of the fog you can't see the scenery anyways.
This is a Japanese Orb Spider. They are humongous. If you were to spot one in your room the only logical solution is to run and hide in a corner, bawling your eyes out until it finally decides to end you. During the day they can be seen chasing down and eating small Japanese children.
This is my panda bank. He contains pennies and means more to me than you ever will. Because he is a panda. And you, sir, are not.
More pandas, this time in edible form. From my understanding they are called "Sakusaku Panda snacks" and sakusaku means delirious or something like that. The chocolate pandas are the cool ones but all the other varieties show a dazed panda waddling around in circles. THEY ARE ALL. EXTREMELY. ADORABLE.
That's all you get for today. Now excuse me, I'm going to go try medieval medical practices to relieve the pain in my head.
Where'd I put that drill...
Roshi I need you that orb spider needs children, and like those children need tentacles.
We need to know every detail, right down to when you decide to start smoking the tin bacon.*
*Of course, back in my day we called it boarding the Volvo.
I read all your postings, was I included in the 2 people count?
those pandas look tasty
I read all your blogs. I just don't comment on them. I miss you and need you in my life, or whatever the hell it was you wanted us to say! :(
I'm just too lazy to comment. Bite me, I read and talk to you almost every day.
Apologies to anyone who I may have offended by suggesting they didn't read it :P
What I meant was I thought most of you came on the weekends and caught up or something. I didn't realize so many people read it every day.
I'll keep updating then.
Roshi, we are out here and waiting to hear from you. Twitter more often so we can keep tabs on you :)
Good luck over there man, stay alive, and stay gold...
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