Now for your regularly scheduled blog.
So apparently you can get Vitamin C poisoning/overdose. And it's pretty freakin nasty.
Remember that C.C. Lemon stuff I posted about?
Yeah, apparently it has something like twice the daily amount of recommended Vitamin C. And for someone who prides himself on eating as unhealthy as possible (As far as I'm concerned, anything green is bad for you) it takes less Vitamin C for me to OD on it. And therefore I ended up overdosing on Vitamin C because I love the CC lemon stuff (well... past tense now. Preeeetty sure I'm done with it after this.)
Considering I was up writhing in nauseatingly horrible pain (See: DO NOT CONSUME TOO MUCH VITAMIN C. I AM WARNING YOU) as a result I didn't get to sleep until about 6:30am when I had to be awake to get ready for a class no later than 7:30. But hey, if you wanna go to class in that condition be my guest. I took my get out of class free card and then proceeded to sleep off the rest of the sickness.
And my socks never arrived today. Durned post office. I waited for you...for a thousand summers. Waiting delayed me long enough in getting food that I went at the same time the staff did apparently, and I ran into Sarah from the Outreach Office who asked me why I kept coming panicky into the office. And it turns out I was right to panic because they didn't do anything they said they would. It's fixed now though, so I'm glad that she's awesome. If I had golden star stickers I'd give her like, three for all the help she's given me.
No food pictures today, and I was going to go out and get those nature pictures I keep talking about but some friends on AIM needed help the time they went to bed it was dark out. And I get scared in Japan at night with the giant bees and the humongous crows and the evil demon monster things lurking around.

Yeah, not risking that for you jerks. Plus my camera doesn't have night vision anyways, so the best you'd get is the tops of the trees about 12 feet away.
Tomorrow is the beginning of the 10:30am-7:30pm nontstop school schedule. I have prepared crackers and water for the duration of the schedule. I need sustenance or else I shall perish.
Friday I'm going down to Beppu again, so expect pictures.
Enjoy this three-toed sloth crossing the road.
1 comment:
You could always take pictures of the horrible demon monsters...
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