I slept in until two in the afternoon. Why? F*** you, that's why. But in all seriousness I didn't get to bed until 6oclock in the morning, considering when me and Fanxing hung out we downed an entire pot of tea. And tea has caffeine in it. And caffeine keeps you awake. AWESOME.
So I went to the Co-op when I woke up and bought what I thought was everything I'd need to make latkes.
Turns out, I barely have any cooking utensils. I still need to find a cutting board and a whisk at the very least, and I forgot to buy salt and hot sauce (hot sauce not necessarily related to the latkes. But we'll see).
Considering I wasn't aware of how important it is to use a grater when...you know, when the recipe calls for it I attempted to chop the potatoes finely (on a plate mind you, because I'm something America likes to call "retarded").
The result was this:
Yeah... that was after about 20 minutes of chopping. there are 4 or 5 potatoes there. I had to PEEL those too before hand. And the peeler chopped one of my nails off, which I wasn't aware that they were CAPABLE of, so for the rest of the time I was terrified of demolishing an artery, which made the entire process slow to a crawl. In fact, it took 3 and a half Vanessa Carlton tracks (shut up) before I was finished.
Not being one to get discouraged, I decided to just turn them into hash browns instead of latkes. At least I had some butter to cook with (anyone who uses cooking oil is a JERK) so it wasn't so bad. I forgot the salt though so they were sort of plain, but they came out tasting good otherwise:
Kind of lackluster, but those were the wacky adventures of cooking with Roshi this time. I'll try to screw more things up next time, cause I know how INSUFFERABLY BORING this session was. I'll start soup on fire or something, it'll be magical.
Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go back to not doing my homework.
I was about to insult you, but you seem to do a pretty good job of insulting yourself. Also Hayley made us Jew soup. I bet you miss that. D:
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