Man I suck at this job. I've had the window open for the blog for a good hour, and then I kept getting distracted.
I got a bunch of games for my R4 and spent some precious time with that today. Also ran into one of the new students from yesterday, so that was cool.
Most of my time not-blogging was taken up with this site: My Brute. My dude (well... chick) is pretty tough, so try your hand and earn me master credits.
Other than that, it was windy as hell today and made me regret living on a mountain. The security staff seems to be flip flopping with whether or not they want to turn the heat off, so it was off for a few hours today and then it started working again. Then again that could just be my sad excuse for a heater doing it all on their own.
I also got harassed by a kitten. I was coming back from the cafeteria and school store when I heard some very loud meowing. I looked all over for where it was coming from, and thought I heard it coming from a room, then was curious for a moment if we are secretly allowed to have pets and nobody told me (the fiends!). Then a calico kitten jumped out of the bushes and proceeded to yell at me in deafening cries for food. So I took out a melon bread and tore off a big chunk for it, and she gobbled it the hell down.
It was actually one of the cats from the top of the hill where I normally get my potato croquettes. It's big enough to wander from its mom now, apparently. I never thought I'd see them running around the campus, though, and considering the dorms are a good deal away from the mountain top... even more surprising. I actually debated shoving it in my bag and taking it to my dorm room for a minute, but I decided against it.
Anyways, since I have my iphone now and that's with me even when my camera isn't, I was actually able to get a picture of the little guy.

Cute, ain't she?
Edit: I just got a message from the main office telling me that since I haven't paid my dorm fees that I can't stay here any longer.
I paid them two weeks ago. I have no idea what's going on right now and that was a lot of money to just go missing.
The message said that if I don't get the money to them by Saturday that I'm going to be evicted from AP House. I'm nervous and I'm not sure what to do. I don't have the money for an apartment downtown.
If this doesn't work out I guess that means I'll be coming home earlier than planned.
April Fool's
That is like the 5th April Fool's Ive fallen for.
A some movie sites I went to had all these almost believalbe things like Carnage in Spidey $, and another Star Wars and Captain America in Wolverine.
Star Wars one isn't so unbelievable. Lucas has said that he wanted to make a movie based off of the Clone Wars series. Besides the animated one I mean,
Also Captain America wouldn't appear in the travesty that is the Wolverine movie.
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