It was boring.
I showed up late cause it was early on my day off, and I didn't miss anything. Then there was a good hour straight of nothing happening but them asking the students to come on stage and share their experiences. I tried to get out of it, but Sjors is a dick and called me up after him. So I announced on stage that Sjors was a dick, which was probably unprofessional but meh. The food was actually pretty good for once. They usually have the same three bland dishes at these events, but they had nanbread pizza and two types of kara age there, so that was really nice. Plus rolls, and I love rolls, and these were pretty good, so hey, nice.
I found out from it tha I need to pay my library fees or I don't get my transcripts sent back home. So I went and paid those off, which was an irritatingly complicated process that had more steps than "Give librarian the money". Come on Japan, really? Anyways that means I'll stop getting overdue notices for the book I took out in November, so that's good at least.
Going to the library also let me run into Bolor which was cool cause I haven't seen her in a while yay. She reiterated our discovery that the erotic performance theatre had closed down and asked to be invited on any other sexy excursions that we were planning, so if that happens then it happens. I still need to get to the sex museum, so maybe we can get that going on.
I also looked into Antarctica.
As in, getting a job there.
I know, that sounds crazy. But they need people down there in pretty much every position, so I figure it's something to look into for after I graduate. They got everything from maintenance staff, to researchers to writers. All of it has free room and board and transport, in exchange for the fact that weather conditions ensure that it's dangerous to go outside roughly 5-7 days a week, so that should be fun. But they also have hiking excursions and such so you don't get cabin fever, so that would be nice. And I love the ice and snow, and I don't mind cold weather (although I guess there is a difference between 'not minding' and -89 degrees F), so this could be a good idea for me. More info here if you're interested.
That really makes it sound like I'm growing up, thinking about my future and all that, doesn't it?
To assure you otherwise, I've also made plans for supervillainy and conquest.

This is a map of the claimed regions of Antarctica. It's actually nine different countries, but I overlapped the maps because I have that kind of time on my hands so why not?
The unclaimed portion is mine, or ours if you join my service. That's right, I'm going to establish a kingdom. We're going to go in on the short at the unclaimed side and trek in a bit. Survey the land, and find a nice area to set up fortifications, and preferably a modern day castle. From there we'll bring in military fortifications, and demand the surrender of the rest of the continent. The continent is inhabited primarily by researchers and tourist agencies, so the odds of them being heavily armed are slim to none. Should be slim pickins.
From that point on we'll use the continent as a base of operations and build technologies in an attempt to create something that would be capable of melting the majority of Antarctica, which would flood great portions of the continents. Unless the world submits to MY REIGN AND MY REIGN ALONE.

And I probably jumped straight past the FBI watchlist and made it on the UN one.
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