Today was a goosfraba day.
Slept in late, which is always nice. Everyone like that.
Then I got me some lunch (Mmm-mm nanbread pizza) and hopped on the bus down to Kannawa. Found myself in the most expensive onsen that I could give (hint: They don't really get higher than 500 yen. So it's totally affordable) and was in there for a good while. I actually only intended to be in there for a good 20 minutes, but I couldn't bring a watch in with me. So I'd try counting it off in my head, but then I'd sort of drift off cause of the heat, start floating in the hot water and... and... then I'd lose track of where I was and start counting all over again. By the time I got out I had been in there for an extremely relaxing hour and a half by myself. Everything about me feels better and I wonder why I don't go to the onsen more often.
After that I walked across town to a tonkatsu restaurant, because I thought to myself "Kyle, you haven't had any real tonkatsu since you got here, just the crap in the cafeteria." and I knew I was right, so I figured I'd try it out. It was expensive, a good 1200 yen for a medium roast katsu with rice and miso soup. I could've gotten an almost unfinishable MEGA bowl of cheese gyuudon for 700 yen at Sukiya where I had almost stopped in (note: I normally get the 500 yen medium sized bowl, so yeah. . .) but it was really, REALLY good so I was glad I got it at least once before I left. Still, I'll stick to getting my katsu in curry form for the fact that it's cheaper that way (no I don't know why).
Because I wasn't done pampering myself I went to Baskin Robbins (although it's called 31 here) and got a fruit smoothie, then bought a new shirt at Uniqlo. Then I came home and got kitchen duty switched to tomorrow, cause I'm cool like that.
So all in all, a damn good day I'd say.
Since I haven't been updating, I might as well mention that this weekend was pretty good as well. Jason came in on Saturday and the first thing we did was bitch about the heat. Then I told him to meet us at the Daiso, figuring that he lived here for a good 6 months before, so he should know where it was. We went there looking for him and he was nowhere to be found, so I bought a candy filled samurai sword and we went looking for him. He was on the next block at McDonald's sitting in the window and told me I'm an idiot because there was no Daiso around there. Yeah... except for the one a block away. Smooth move, jackass (I hope you're reading this so you can relive it. AGAIN). So the ramen was delicious when we got around to eating it, and then at my insistence we went to go look at PUPPIES.
Believe it or not that was the smartest idea I've ever had.
At the place that they keep the puppies, we ran into people that we knew that were glad to see Jason while he was visiting, as well as Marcelo, whom contacted Sjors, whom was hanging out with some of his friends from Holland, whom we met up with, and then followed to Gusto and had dessert and hung out for a bit for the rest of the night.
It was pretty fun.
The following days Jason was here were spent distracting him from the paper that he needed to write by playing video games, and then playing more video games. Because what better thing to do with people that you haven't seen in months than sit in front of the idiot box beating each other up in virtual world, amirite?
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