I didn't make it.
So, churros for lunch from the school store! Huzzah!
After hanging out in my room staring at those dancing monstrosities for a few more hours (or not that, your choice) I remembered that I had promised photos of the campus to you people, so I set out to do that.
And do it I did!
First off, here's that map of the school campus.

That's sadly the best map I could find in my two minutes of searching for one.
Anyways, the leftmost is the dormitories, and the rightmost is the classrooms. Everything else in between is just FLUFF. Or you know, the cafeteria, the academic offices, and the student union/school store.
I took a whole crapload of photos. Or less of a crapload, and more like doubles of the same shot. Sometimes even triples!
Alright, here's essentially a mini tour. Startiiiiiiiing NOW:
Stepping out of the dorm and going down the walkway leads to this. It is the stairwell up to the bridge. It is a long arduous trek and it's not worth it to wait for the elevator so I walk it nearly every time. 7/10 times it leaves me out of breath.
This is the bridge. It annoys me. It's always VERY windy for some reason, and also people are incapable of walking properly on it. Most of the time there will be a group of people spread 5 wide, and nobody walks on the same side of the bridge.
Time jump! For some reason I took a different route walking around, and the photobucket album shows that. Essentially looking at the map I looped around the top behind the buildings and then took the picture back toward the dorms. But yeah, that's just a view from the middle of campus around the fountain.
This is my favorite piece of architecture on campus. The two side stairways lead to the second floor, and inside the arches are a bunch of benches. It just looks cool. Unfortunately, it's within breathing distance of the smoking shelter, so I never get to actually ENJOY being there. Stupid smoking shelter. You ruin everything.
That's the last picture I took before I got too cold and went to go eat dinner. IT's basically that with buildings on either side and then mountain. The giant staircase up to the highway bus station where I get croquettes is that way too.
For anyone interested, this is the spot I've deemed zombie proofingest on campus. Too many hurdles for them to even try to get over. And zombies are not hurdley enough for the hurdle club. (I can't believe I just typed that.)
Anyways, that's about it. I uploaded 80 pictures to the photobucket. Not all of them are from today, and some of them probably need an explanation so feel free to ask. Also, most of this batch was unsorted so there are some pictures that are apparently of just sky. I promise there was a bird there.
I mean, only an idiot couldn't see the bird.
So you see it.
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