I was exhausted yesterday and I figured I'd hop into bed and take a nap for a couple hours, then wake up and do my homework and put out a blog. Apparently I really, REALLY needed the sleep, because I didn't wake up until 5:30 in the morning. So I got a good 10 and a half hours of sleep in.
Well, I got to Oita. It was... Oita-esque. Actually it sucked.
Me and Jason went, and we took the train. So bus from campus, then train to Oita = long time to go nowhere. But there were some awesome pigeons hanging out on the train stop with us. Pigeons know no fear. I haven't had that much exposure to them ever, but I know this now. I'd walk up and try to get them to go away and stomp my feet and stuff, and they'd just sit there looking at me. Oh, also they're racist, cause they were picking on this poor little guy:

Anyways, the train was fun and quick and not as crowded as bigger cities, so I could walk around and poke things as I'm known to do. Yesterday was worse though, because I hadn't slept the night before so I was sleep drunk. This is a condition some of you have seen me like a number of times. It's every bit as amusing as you'd think it is, if you haven't.
We got to Oita and ate some fast food, because we're Americans and we do that. Restaurants still have smoking sections in them, and the only spot left was in there, so it was possibly my least favorite part of the day. Afterwards we wandered around looking for something to do and found a castle.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay castle! We didn't actually go inside, but we walked around the gardens and such. Apparently there is ALWAYS a heron in the water at these things, and this one didn't let us down. There were also tons of huge carp and other birds running around, so it was all in all a pretty nice place, even if you could still see cars and neon lights from the garden. Ah well, Japan will be Japan. Was definitely peaceful there and you can kind of get the idea of where shintoism comes from looking at these types of spots. They can be so beautiful that you don't want to doubt that they're magical in some way.
We then wandered around the city for a few more hours and realized that there was essentially NOTHING TO DO. Honestly, it's more boring than Beppu is there. I'm pretty sure there is stuff to do near the airport, but we were definitely not walking that far and we don't know the bus routes. Ah well, some other time.
We went grocery shopping in Beppu when we got back. That's umm... that's exciting, right? I got more Honey Roasted Chicken Pringles. Those are probably the main part of my diet at this point.
Anyways I gotta go do my homework and stuff. Possibly blog later tonight if I have something to say.
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