Meanwhile, I went to town for the second time this week today. First for the purpose of buying a cell phone.
I don't think I'm buying a cell phone.
Call me old fashioned, but I don't think that a phone should cause 300 dollars, especially not one that I'll be using for 6 months and then tossing into a discard pile (unless I figure out how to unlock it or something). Also they need me to bring my alien registration card, my passport, my bank book, my personal stamp, and for some unknown reason my HEALTH INSURANCE.
Not quite sure I care enough anymore. Starting to wish Japan had tracfones, but I'm guessing that would go against the Japanese tradition of giving everyone you meet your personal history.
After that I took a wrong turn and got lost. Literally lost. This hasn't happened in a while. I just honestly wound up on a highway, which I didn't even know we had in Beppu. So I walked along it for a while and debated jumping off a bridge (there was another, smaller bridge underneath it and I figured I could make it) until I spotted something that looked familiar and made my way over to it.
One of the other of the reasons three that be that me (that's I) wanted to venture out was to pick up a certain game that I saw at Book Off last week. Somebody had since bought it so I bought Sonic and punched the cashier in the face (or silently cursed my luck. Your choice.) I also, out of boredom, wandered upstairs to the used everything department and came across a travel luggage... thing (what the hell do they call those? Like suitcases, but with wheels and the long handle. I bought one of those). This only cost 1000 yen, which is at least 4500 yen less than the one I was going out today in order to buy, so that was very much appreciated. There was also a briefcase that I didn't buy, but should have considering how much money I spent by buying the used travel case. Maybe I'll stop back Thursday. I've always wanted a briefcase.
I went to a curry house and got something called "Gyuumotsu chiizu kare" which was beef...something and cheese curry. I call it beef something because gyuu means beef, and motsu means something that isn't in my dictionary. I feel like it's beef skin, but I'm not sure and I'm afraid to look it up. Whatever it was it was chewy and relatively flavorless, but not entirely disgusting. It tided me over til I got to the arcade and played some Taiko Drum Master on hard mode to anime theme songs and looked like a lonely loser dork.
The rest of the night is filled with donuts and Little Big Planet (The guy who owns the communal PS3 left and JM claimed it while he's gone. So, free reign. Another hurrah!)
Thursday is more arcade and Kuta Ramen, which is all you can eat ramen shop. Jason is leaving and NEVER COMING BACK (until next year) so we're going out as a celebration. Of not seeing him. Do you celebrate people leaving? Parties are celebrations, right? So a going away party is celebrating somebody not being there. Are funeral receptions parties? Wedding receptions are, so reception is like another word for party. But I don't think anyone is celebrating funerals.
Oh man, I sort of went off on a tangent there, didn't I?
Anyways, 90 pictures (ninety!) in the photobucket dump. I'll only post this one:
I found this little area about a block away from a spot I go to ALL THE TIME. It's really nice, and I tried to cross the stream on some algae covered rocks and nearly died. I also took a little video that isn't online (it's mostly just a panned back and forth shot anyways) but there are a whole bunch of pictures of it in the photobucket, so check that out.
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