Looks an awful lot like him, don't it?
Anyways. I finally got a hold of my friend. She's still looking for a place for me to stay (I'm a boy so I can't room at the host family house. Not that I'd want to impose, really) so that's at least progressing. Until then, I am bugging people I know to help keep me occupied, and I might get board and go to Fukuoka for a day if I can figure out the train system on my own.
Also, that ramen I talked about the other day. Yeah, here's a picture of it:
I'm sorry, but if you don't think that that looks absolutely delicious, then I don't think that we can be friends anymore. I've had to fight the urge to go there and eat it three times a day. At least my love for the stuff has been rekindled and I can go around earning my title again.
Also my sexy briefcase:
Now THAT is a manly accessory. The only think I've realized is that I have to carry it by the handle, so that should take a bit of getting used to.
And for your viewing pleasure, I've established a simulation. I'm sure the harsh rigors of America or possibly Catamaran (I don't keep track of where the people are from whom read this) leave you longing for the bedazzled celebrity lifestyle that every foreigner gets the second they enter Japan.
So here it is! The long awaited....
Waiting at a Japanese bus stop simulation!
Just like you always wanted.
Ah, now wasn't that exciting?
The Pillows did a song Called Waiting at the Busstop.
I have that song. It's good.
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