Lot's of studying to do still. So that's no fun.
Sunday Sunday Sunday!
The worst possible result from the searches! There is a fiend out there searching for TOPLESS PICTURES OF VANESSA CARLTON. I know, terrible. Be still, mine fragile heart. I think I might need to take it upon myself to warn a celebrity that somebody wants to see them naked. I know, the absurdity of it all.
Aside from that I got a result for a "I just lost the game" sweater. Not sure why.
I did, however, just lose the game.
I also have some pictures for once. Pictuuuuuures!
First off is just me being stupid with a bagel. Not sure why. Fun, though.
Big prize I won for 100 yen in that crane game. Over half of these are still left. Not all of the flavors are worth putting in your mouth. The chicken curry, however, tastes just like chicken curry... only crunchier.
The magically delicious Luigi toy.
That is a tiny can of Sprite that I bought. It is very small, and most beverages come in that size. I haven't found any bulk packs or anything, so you sort of have to buy them by the handful. There's a quarter there for size comparison.
I'll give you a minute for it to dawn on you that I have American currency for the sole purpose of size comparisons.
And now have some children's comics based around famous western historical figures. Look at how pretty Helen Keller is!
This is a legitimate aisle in the school store. It didn't dawn on me as being hilarious until it was pointed out to me. That's right, I'm growing desensitized to Japanese insanity.
And that horrifies me.
I still find random keys hanging on fences in parks unnerving, though, and made sure to quickly photograph it and get out of there before the Yakuza saw me being curious.
Also I am still obsessed with ravens. For some, inexplicable reason. I'm bothered by how much I've noticed their intelligence ever since I read that article. I have to use the digital zoom to get pictures of them normally, and from great distances, because they notice me pointing a device at them and have apparently come to realize that metal coloured things pointed at animals is a bad thing for their health, and when they notice me they fly away.
Inner Child test:
If you saw that picture and thought "My, that cloud looks like a dinosaur!" pat yourself on the back, because your inner child is still alive.
If you noticed it AFTER I pointed it out, then you still have an inner child, you just push it to the side in order to concentrate on your work, and you should maybe spend a weekend having fun with friends or just watch cartoons while eating ice cream once in a while.
If you still can't see the dinosaur, then I'm sorry, but your inner child is dead. Somebody should have contacted you about it, this is very unfortunate. There is a chance that you might be able to revive it through a combination of 200cc's of laughs and removing the stick from your ass.
Also, I didn't ACTUALLY go to town today. I might tomorrow. I can't study for more than 20 minutes at a time without going nuts anyways.
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