So yes, everything is over. FINALLY. I'm on vacation, I have no more work to do, and it's staying this way for the next two months. So happy.
I promptly celebrated by coming back to my room after the exam and passing out.
Considering this is one of the last times I'll have had a time of day I need to wake up by, I highly doubt that I will be sleeping in the middle of the day anymore. Aside from when I stay up til 10am and then sleep until 2. But that will be on my own terms, not "Oh god I'm so tired I'm going to lean back for a second and holy crap it's 4 hours later."
No more of that.
Since I sort of passed out which makes me lack in anything relatively interesting to talk about from the day, let's put some more pictures up:
These are shoes.
I'm not doubting your deductive skills, I just needed to reiterate that. Because they were shoes. And this was at a bus stop. And Jason and I were the only people around for blocks. And there were shoes. Just.... there.
I'm under the impression that Japanese people spontaneously evaporate, but leave their shoes behind. It's the only explanation.
This is just more Engrish, because I will never stop being amused by it.
This is the pony from the electronics store.
I should've actually mentioned this the other day, but for some reason it slipped my mind.
The fact that there was a pony at the electronics store slipped my mind. This is what happens when you've been in Japan for too long.
This is a building. It is sad. Poor building.
This is my window. I put a bunch of window clings on it despite the fact that the curtains are always closed. This is because, as you can see, the room opens up to a wall of other rooms. Which still isn't as bad as my friend's whose room window opens to the front entrance, where Security can see him as well as everyone who is coming from classes.
To make up for the closed curtains I have the clings in various other spots in my room. Like this duck on the shelf, or the one on my mirror.
Quick Japanese lesson: Duck in Japanese is 家鴨(あひる)- ahiru. They make the distinction between this and komo, in that ahiru is domestic and komo is wild. I've never heard anyone actually say anything other than ahiru, though, and I didn't hear komo until Jason's pocket translator tried to talk us into using it.
In other news, Bryan tried to argue that the cloud isn't a dinosaur, but in fact the Loch Ness Monster. And as we all know, Nessie is a plesiosaur, which is essentially an aquatic dinosaur. So I think we can all just put it on record that Bryan is a dummyhead.
Two last things: One is Pictures for Sad Children which is an odd sort of comic, but I and a couple of friends have been enjoying it for a bit now and I thought I'd share it. The creator of that also does Hourly Comics which is exactly what it sounds like. He held Hourly Comic Day recently, but I wasn't privy to it at the time and missed out. These are an odd sort of amusing, and since much like everyon else half the things I do are media influenced (just apparently a very strange combination of media) I've begun thinking about things that happen in a "If I were doing an hourly comic, what are the important/funny things that happened this past hour that would go in it?" It's sort of a weird thing to think of, but at the same time it helps you remember things to.
I'm-a go poke my squishy ducks now.
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