Also I ate cottage cheese by accident. I feel dirty.
I have to wake up tomorrow at like EIGHT IN THE MORNING, which is a time I had forgot existed for a period of about 9 months now. Woe is me. I need to go do my alien registration (doko wa boku no U.F.O. dane?) and then I have to take the mandatory *FREE* health exam. Where I have to be told I'm fat for being a foreigner and pee in a cup, then they stab me with tuberculosis or something. I ALREADY GOT MY TB SHOT. But apparently if you got it already you're supposed to still get this because it double checks that you got it. Yes Japan, that is logical. I'm sure your double dosage of vaccines won't render me crippled in the least. Bring it on, Murphy's Law.
Rule of thumb, check my blog around noonish AMERICAN time. If I haven't updated by then, chances are I'm not going to. Considering most people aren't awake until the sun is directly overhead (or maybe that's just me?) this probably won't be a problem for anyone. But if anyone has been hitting refresh for hours on end for some ungodly reason, desperate to hear about the Incredible Misadventures of Roshi (which was almost my blog title, pray to Thor for thanks). I've got a vaguely updated Twitter and an RSS feed in the bottom right hand corner down there for anyone who really gives a damn.
I finally wandered a bit further today too, cause people keep bugging me to. I came across people selling pork buns and I got the last one for 120 yen AND IT WAS SO GOOD. Made me sad that there weren't any more after I ate it.
Also: HUMMINGBIRDS. I couldn't figure out what they were for a minute cause they were bright orange and flitting back and forth really fast. But I got really close and they're so cute. I wanted to catch one but I thought I'd break it's wings. Also I don't have flowers in my room so it'd pretty much die. Also, pretty sure I can't have pets. So that'd be bad too.
Despite being prettier, pennies in Japan are just as worthless as they are in America. Vending machines take silver change, dagnabbit! Oh well. I'm still pinchin' them unless UB decides to gimme the rest of my money sometime soon. Bugger.
For all three of you who've managed not to see it, I leave you again with a video:
(Yes I'm aware I can embed videos in my blogs)

(Go eat a dick.)
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