I did NOTHING today. I slept in because apparently you're not supposed to wake up at 7 am and then go to sleep at 2 am. APPARENTLY that isn't good for your body. Pfft.
Went to the office to whine about school stuff and got distracted by Funaki-san's way-too-nice guyness and left without solving the problem. He said it should resolve itself though so... meh. I wandered off to the store and met some nice Netherlandish boy. Spellcheck didn't fix the Netherlandish so I'm assuming it's a real word. Him and I bonded on our mutual misunderstanding of Japanese laundry detergent and of living in the same hallway without meeting each other before. Go figure. He wanted to get lunch but I had just eaten. His loss, should've tried to befriend me before hand.
I know, the nerve of that guy, right?
So other than that I studied a little Japanese, got bored, played some Final Fantasy, got even more bored, studied more Japanese, got bored and watched some Gargoyle show and then remembered I had to write down my classes for scheduling tomorrow.
The classes here suck. The only one I'm excited about doing is an etiquette and tips for interpretors as a field of work. The rest of the classes are just fluff getting in the way of my better learning Japanese. Rawr.
There was also a "post depressing images/pictures/stories" thread on 4chan that had me BAWWWWing pretty hard. I'd share but I'd like to convey images of manly fortitude in my blog.

Quick two things not that many people know about me:
1) I pick up the accents of the peoples I'm around. So since I've been around nothing but foreign kids and Mr Funaki, I've picked up this weird pseudo - british sounding accent that I'm consciously trying not to speak in. It's really irritating.
2) I love dicks. CANNOT get enough of them. The way the look, stories about them, the method in which they get in and out of tight spots, doing the dirty work nobody else is willing to.
I am of course talking about private investigators. And like I said, the chances of me actually writing a story for you jerks was slim to none, so I'm linking an ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold one here on my myspace account for you jerks to read. Three years old to be exact. Sexy, sexy dicks
Also: They sell liter and a half bottles of Coke here:

wtf are you eating exactly?
Oh Roshi, you so crazy.
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