Granted I was at the doctor's office, and they're supposed to do that when they draw blood and stuff. But I really don't like Japanese doctors offices. I saw ONE doctor and something like 40 nurses. And it's cold. And mechanical. It's worse than American doctors offices and I already hate those. And they did a TB checkup which involved putting a needle under my skin and moving it around a bit.
Yeah, fucking ouch.
Anyways, the trip there involved taking a bus through the tourist section of Beppu. There was a ramen shop which I'm definitely going to when everything gets settled financially. Also an African safari. No idea why. Kind of a humid climate to emulate Africa. Well, the savannah at least. Also: tons of highschoolers. They love us foreigners. All standin on the side of the street waving at our bus. I should dress all Hollywood and go down there shooting everyone sexy looks, see how many people I get to swoon over it and ask for autographs.
Most likely something close to zero, if not less than that.
But yeah, definitely cool going into the city. Architecture is weird. Old style Japanesey in that area, unlike the part I went through on the way here that was basically American style but with different roofing design. I'll have to go back when I have you know, money and friends. [sadface]
Also, I need to learn how to cook. There are things that I desperately need to eat. Like an eggs in a basket grilled cheese sandwich, and this video detailing Michael Rodriguez instructing how to make a breakfast burrito:
He makes it looks so easy. We'll find out.
I have a care package arriving from Japan with some extra socks and a sewing kit and something else that I can't remember what I asked for. No Mighty Taco though. Depressing is what that is. Ah, sa va. Or however those French pricks spell it.
My mailbox stopped opening because apparently I was using somebody else's mailbox. And frighteningly enough, mine (the one next to it) has the same combination. Luckily for me you have to reach in the slot and pull the side of it to open mine. Cause the handle is broken. So yeah, awesome.
And I got a side dish with my food today. No idea what it was but it tasted good. Like cold potatoes marinated in maple syrup glaze. Nom.
Maple Pan is delicious. Like you wouldn't believe.
One thing I keep forgetting to mention about my room:

Yes, that is the door to my room.
And yes, that is a full length 2 inch glass pane in the door that leads to the hallway that people walk through.
Really makes you feel private.
But really, it's that cloudy security glass with the diamond criss cross wires going across it. You can barely see anything on the other side. It lets people know that you are awake by showing the light is on. Of course considering I couldn't figure out how to turn all my lights off for the first 4 days I was here I guess it wasn't very helpful in that regard.
I need to stop making these blogs so long. It's remarkable how I can do it with so little to talk about. But you guys are insane, I wouldn't read this trite.
Maybe I'll write a short story for tomorrow. That'd be more interesting. Or if I'm too lazy I'll more likely just copypaste an old one cause none of you read my myspace blog.
You write way too much.
And *grin* awwwwwwww did the needle hurt little roshi?
"ça va." :P (Or ca va if the symbol doesn't show properly.)
Although that's generally used more as a "how are you" question/response I think. Technically it means what you intend, but it might be better to use "c'est la vie."
/French lesson of the day.
Drats. I like the way ca va sounds better. Darn Frenchignorancé!
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