I'm stuck eatin school lunches and ramen anyways til more of my school funds come through. I've gotta pay my dorm fees for this semester. The guy in charge seemed upset but willing to work with me. Guess I went against the Japanese code of unquestionably with the rules. At least they're nice enough to not kick me out of the country for this. Unlike everything else (if you break any of the rules in the handbook you get evicted from the AP Haus. No joke.)
I ate an entire loaf of bread today that cost me 1.12. So good. It had like, butter injected into it. It was one of those "gourmet loaves" so it wasn't an ENTIRE loaf of bread. Also, don't eat Indian food with chopsticks. It just...doesn't work. Hands or a spoon, spork it if you got it.
The dorm payment means it'll be a little longer before I get my camera, so no pics in the blog still. Or at least nothing that I can't get in front of my laptop (without bringing the laptop around with me. Unless there is something REALLY AWESOME TO SEE. But the weather isn't reporting any Godzilla attacks for a good while, so I doubt it.)
Nothing to do tomorrow which is good. I need to start sleeping earlier though. I didn't wake up til 10 today and I had a ... thing to go to at 10:30. library thing. Then right after a course registrar thing.
Which were both orientations they gave me when I came in late to campus. I'm not exactly sure why I was told to go to them by the same guy who briefed me on it in the first place. Oh well, now it's double pounded into my brain and there was this Japanese fellow who sat next to me named Fumi or something along those lines. I have to start paying attention to what people say when they introduce themselves or something, honestly. The only names I remember so far are Max, Steve, and Andrew.
Also, when I was cooking the don't-eat-this-soup-with-chopsticks in the microwave, some guy (Who I'm pretty sure is the guy next door. He said he was room 125 but.. there are two of those. We'll see.) started talking to me about HOW AWESOME America is, and how its cool its cool he like American music and classic American show like Everybody Love Raymond. I laughed silently to myself at this reverse-weeaboo of a man, amused by the fact that he spent hours watching our sitcoms online like so many American teens do with Asian tv. It'd be ironic if our stuff wasn't worth watching.
I feel obligated to post a picture:

Before you ask me "Why do you have Pokemon hanging from your light pullstring?" I'm going to tell you that I don't.
Because that string doesn't turn the light on and off.
It just comes out of the ceiling.
For no apparent reason.
Josh here, Roshi I don't know moonspeak.
Goddammit. I want gourmet buns. D:<
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