"Oh hey!" I say to myself. "I should do some questin'! Just a few, and then I can get right back to studying!"
"That sounds reasonable" I say back to myself, because the long hours have made me psychotic. "It should only take about an hour or two to get some quests done. That will leave me plenty of time to study for tomorrow's quiz!"
And then 6 hours later I realize it's 1 in the morning.
Well hey...these things happen.
Also, I got this e-mail notification just now:

Maybe it's just me... but that really does not encourage me to give my photos to "Santa" for his "uses". I'm not sure why he wants pictures of me in the first place. I'm a 20 year old man. Doesn't he cater to children?
Japan is windy. Just sayin. I don't mind the cold. At all. But dear god, this wind is horrendous. I had to hold onto my hat. LITERALLY. Not just as an expression.
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