Anyways, I got to open my presents this morning. And by morning I mean 2 or 3 in the afternoon, because for some reason that's when I woke up. I legitimately got up at 11 and was actually up and about doing things. And then I woke up again at a bit before 3. I'm still not sure how it happened, because I don't even remember crawling back into bed, especially because I remember getting onto the computer and checking my e-mail and reading comics.
Oh well, Christmas miracle.
Got a pretty good haul I think. A full book series that I like, a Spanish copy of Don Quijote de la Mancha, a bunch of random comics, a Flash (AAAaaaAAAH! Saviour of the Universe![actually no, the DC one]) hoodie, and a whole bunch of snack food. Also some cards and a guide book about Japan (?). So pretty good stuff. Here's a picture of it all on my unkempt bed:

The hoodie is made of goesfast, and when you where it you are filled with an overwhelming urge to go fast. Until you realize that you are a gigantic nerd for wearing it, and being a gigantic nerd, you aren't exactly suited to running long distances at top speed. So after about the first set of stairs and a block or two you lean over, start hacking up phlegm and blood, and pass out where you stand. But thanks to the powers of the hoodie, when you wake up 2 hours later with frostbite in your toes, missing your pants and shoes, you still feel fantastic!
On a more somber note, I got a phone card and called home. My mom almost sounded like she was in tears when she picked up and heard me say "Merry Christmas". She woke my dad up who apparently had only been asleep for about an hour, and we all spoke for a good amount of time. And the topic of my cat came up because we normally buy the cats Christmas presents every year, so I was kind of sad about it. The other ones are doing well and Captain has stepped up as the pack leader, so that's good that they've adjusted. Still though, miss my kitty.
Anyways, after that I went around bothering people to go get food. I was actually planning on treating a bunch of people to some horrible pizza, but nobody wanted to go out. Jason was planning to go to KFC with a friend and said I could come along, though. Apparently Japanese people think Americans all go to KFC on Christmas, so we proved the stereotype right! I apparently do that constantly, so hey. It was decent and there was this honey maple kind of....sauce? for the biscuits. Was delicious.
Now I'm back in my room playing games on the computer so that I can avoid cleaning up the mess from all my Christmas junk. Wowzers.
That's all for now. Merry Christmas to everyone, and a late Happy Hannukah. I'm not sure if I missed Kwanzaa, but I'm not sure I mind either because from my understanding it's a holiday simply made up to counter Christmas. But I could be wrong, because nobody actually knows anything about the thing.
And now I leave you with the Marvel character biography of Santa Claus:
Ho ho ho.
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