Yeah, I'm a pretty weird kid.
A little tiny fly dropped out of the sky and landed right on my textbook. I poked him with my pen and he twitched a bit and a bit of his wing came off. So I poured some gatorade onto my desk and laid him next to it. And he walked around a bit and took a few sips and seemed really content with it. By the end of class he'd drunk almost half so I was happy for him.
IT was really awesome, cause I felt bad that I hurt him. He was gone when I came back for my second half of the class though, so someone must have...done something. OR he really had two full wings and he tricked me for free Gatorade.
Makes me wonder how the potato kitties are doing. Also, I named a fish potato. Potato the Fish. Sounds like it could be a children's book about the stupidest named fish ever that everyone makes fun of cause he's fat.
You can't be named Potato and NOT be fat, come on.
My Gaia account got unhacked too, so that's exciting. Wary about wearing the items now though. But I got out of the sewers so everything is working well in my account. Also, my avatar is destroying Tokyo and sipping cocoa.

Nobody wants to go to the wind orchestra concert with me on Saturday. Probably because it's really lame.
Ah well.
I'm beseeching my readers for help. If anybody knows the names of things in your everyday life that nobody knows the name of, let me know. Things like the little tips on shoelaces being called aglets. I was disappointed to find out that the name for the toilet paper roll holder is actually a toilet paper roll holder. Check it out on wikipedia. Depressing. So just get those ideas to me somehow. On AIM or via e-mail or in the comments section right here.
Also, let it be known that this is my second draft. The first one deleted itself when I tried to post it and I got really upset. Then a veoh video in another window got reset somehow on top of that and has to reload another hour again. Just my luck. I need to turn off the touchpad on my laptop.
If it's any consolation, this one reads better.
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