Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ominous tidings

Not much happened today.

Not much GOOD that is.

I came back from my break in classes to a note on my door saying I need to go to the bank because I need to pick up some passbook or else my account is invalid. Which is weird, cause nobody actually told me I needed to do that in the first place. So that's awesome.

But then I got an e-mail from the academic advisor's office saying that I need to go there tomorrow morning at 10 for a meeting. The message also said "No need to worry, you may think of this as a good news. "

When you have to point out that there's no need to worry, that tends to have the exact opposite effect. Knowing the Japanese optimistic view on things, the good news is that I'm not doing well enough in my classes, so I have the opportunity to go home and see my friends and family because I'm no longer wanted here.

Truly, a blessing.

There is another guy who's supposed to be there too, though, so if he's meeting with two of us, I'm vaguely optimistic that something personal isn't up for conversation here.

Then again, I'm not in Kansas anymore.

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