Thursday, December 4, 2008

Yum. Pork Bao.

Left over from yesterday. I put it on top of my fridge and forgot about it. It's platic wrapped though, so it's coo'. Also, the store had those little maple pan in stock that I like so much. Oh little maple pan, how I've missed you!

I love having Wednesdays off. Seriously. I'm fully rested, I studied just a little bit, watched a movie. Finished off Shutter actually cause I didn't really bother watching the whole thing. It's pretty good I think. Also, there was a movie playing in AP House 2. Syriana. It's not bad. Not really my thing, but I didn't really struggle to sit through it so that's good. I just hate being reminded of how the country I'm from is run by dillholes.

Surprisingly nobody brings that up here.

I've had an emergency blog entry to post up since like..Thursday and have had no need for it.

You have no idea how disappointing that is. I really want to use it, but I've had things to talk about every day. Granted not important things, or interesting things, but more things than "Hey. I sat around in my room all day on the internet."

So there's that.

Guess I'll go back to my dull life of ninja bear fighting.

Ninja GRIZZLY bear fighting.


This picture just made me laugh, so now I'm forcing you all to look at it.


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