Most of it is just uninteresting. A lot of it is also terrible. Some of it is good in a way that it shouldn't be. Most of it is soap operas and variety shows.
In this case, the variety is different amounts of crap.
There are a lot of weird things on them. As an example, there was a show where they had some guy crawl low to the ground with a camera and poke things with a cat paw while some girl narrated as if she was a cat. Then there was also a fashion show where you could get special panties that made your ass look bigger.
Not a joke.
I did find out that at about 11 starts a 2 hour power block of language learning programming. Starts out with Chinese, then it goes to English, then Spanish, then I turned it off. But there was definitely something else after Spanish. I probably shouldn't be watching it while I'm doing homework... but hey, Chinese characters can only improve my score, right?
Also, a certain cartoon character comes to mind.

That loveable blue scamp is supposed to be a cat. A cat with no ears and a big round red ball for a tail. He's also possibly the most beloved character that exists in Japan. He's more popular than Pikachu and Stitch COMBINED. Unlike other cartoons in Japan, you're a loser if you HAVEN'T seen Doraemon. Whimsical, truly.
Also for all the nerds that are reading this after seeing the title and going "TALK ABOUT IT. TALK ABOUT IT YOU JERKWAD WE KNOW YOU PLAYED IT" yes, I got Left 4 Dead. I went to go bother JM and him and Jason were playing it in his room. So we took turns being torn apart by zombies and talking about generally really nerdy things, which it's good to know that I'm not the only one into those things around here.
Anyways, JM made me a copy and Iv'e been playing it a bit here. It promptly caused my PC to overheat because I didn't realize the battery was in and the fan was off. So hey, fancy that.
And yes. I play as the girl.
No, I don't want to talk about it.
(back to shooting zombies)
1 comment:
Dude, I need your address overthere.
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