Actually, I looked into obtaining one as a pet, and apparently it's illegal in the US. Some protective law over migratory birds. But there are so many accounts on line of people who own a raven or a crow, or even small murders (murder, Marge. A flock of crows is called a murder.) that I'm positive that there is a way around this. If anyone knows how to do this, lemme know so that I can take this opportunity to live with the enemy.
It's either that or put up with the pet alligator I get instead. Which I've already spent plenty of time researching enough to know how to get one. So pick which you'd rather see me walking around the neighborhood with.

I picked up an eraser today and one of those triple pens. The eraser is awesome, and is one of those push erasers. But it's triangular, so everytime I use it I feel like I'm watching the temple scene from the Fifth Element. Which is an awesome feeling, cause that movie is fan tastic (emphasis on the tastic).
The problem is I hate using erasers. It's a weird tic. I used to collect them when I was younger, and I still have a box of them in the attack at home somewhere. None of them were ever used once. I feel like I'm ruining something awesome when I do it. I've been known to use pencil erasers to erase the smudge marks off my normal erasers.
But that backfires, because I hate using the pencil erasers too. Gah. Such a circle of minor tics.
Oh, right, that horrible meeting.
Suffice it to say that it was less me getting depeorted and more the exact opposite of that. Essentially my dorm fees for next semester are paid off. Which is awesome. So that's exciting.
Edit: Does anyone still watch the Ask a Ninja videos? I keep forgetting he even exists, but I just watched the newest one and he seems to have run out of steam. And it seems like every one has multiple questions instead of just being dedicated to one question with the occasional omnibus. It's pretty unfortunate, cause those used to be hilarious.
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