You know those times when you have to get into a concert, or you get a discount off of admission for some place if you bring a canned good in?
I've never brought in anything that wasn't canned green beans from the bottom of my pantry.
How many of you HONESTLY can say that you have?
Man. Next time I'm gonna go out and but a can of potatoes or spaghettios. Something I'd actually want to eat. And if the homeless guy who gets it doesn't like potatoes or spaghettios, then I guess he can move his damn commie ass back to Russia now, can't he?
Didn't do much today. Came up with an idea for a book, but of course I am way too damned lazy to ever write it. That won't stop me from not posting a synopsis here for paranoia of theft. HA! TAKE THAT! Suffice it to say it's Discworld inspired because I feel like being unoriginal, and here is a paint-copy of my sketch:

Yeah. How bout that.
Tomorrow I go to Yufuin! No I have no idea where that is. Yuan says it's something like an hour away. That... that doesn't really help me. But you know, whatever, that's fine. I'm also supposed to fill out a form saying I'm leaving the Oita prefecture, but I really don't care enough. I think it's long term anyways. But suffice it to say, if my next blog has a note about how evicted I am, then you'll know I was wrong.
My "project" is almost complete. I give it another week and a half. Although as far as photographs show I haven't been very secretive about it. Ah well. You'll see the full thing when it's done.
Edit: Haha! Reading TV Tropes! Yes I'm an addict. Anyways, was reading the least of "So Bad it's HORRIBLE" anime, and one example that I always use was on there. The series is called "Pilot's Candidate" in America, and "Candidate for Goddess" in Japan. I'm using this as more or less proof that anybody who told me it didn't suck is a goddamned liar.
That is all.
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