One thing I've noticed: The Japanese (and most of the none-westerners here, actually) are incapable of grasping the most almighty of American traits: Fukital. Fukital is a wonderful concept. Outsiders look at it and go "How can you be so lazy? You can't do something half assed, it'll never come out right!" They don't realize that Fukital is itself putting full effort into something. It's the feeling when you wake up ten minutes late for class and you'll get docked points for being late, so you figure you might as well not go in. It's that sense you get when you're buying a new TV, and the model you want already costs 1300 dollars, so why not get teh largest size for another 300? It's the mindset that gets you to upgrade your pop and popcorn for only a dollar more, that gets you to spend an hour looking for the tv remote, and that ensures you always put off calling your mother because she knows you love her anyways.
Yes, my friends. Fukital is a wonderful thing. And any time somebody tries to yell at you for doing something half assed, laugh. Laugh right in their dumb faces. Then get all serious like and go "No, ma'am. I'm not half assing this. I may be quitting. I may be giving up. I may be doing something stupid. But I am doing it with my entire ass. My FULL ASS is involved in what I am doing, and you are foolish for thinking otherwise."
Truly, an admirable quality.
One I'm not living up to though, cause I woke up early to finish my homework, went to all my classes, and set up a study date with a friend to help each other write essays, then came to my room after classes, made some scrambled eggs (With sriracha! BWAHAHA!) and proceeded to study.
I'm such a damn hypocrite. I sicken me.
Also I'm supposed to go to an onsen and a ramen shop this wednesday. But the temperature is dropping by about 10 degrees fahrenheit on a daily basis here. I'm thinking telling them I can't go and then going winter clothe shopping is a better move. Then I'll feel pretty and also be prepared for the winter!
I thought my Japanese was improving. I really did. And maybe it's just cause the class is above my level. But I made out the translation for Interpreting, and showed it to Yusuke. After he read it all he said was "We'll work on it together". I'm doing fine in Japanese class itself, though, so that's a plus. Fo rizzle.
I need to stop getting bored. Those who love Watchmen may want to shield their eyes:
Take THAT, Alan Moore!
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