So that project I mentioned? I ended up not finishing til like....5. And it being Friday morning, I was extremely tired and ended up sleeping through both of my classes today.
So, that happened. And it's felt like Saturday all day.
But at least I made tacos. And they came out really freaking well, although the Hot sauce I got wasn't as hot as advertised. Still, delish, and I have some left over for tomorrow so I don't have to spend money on food. That's always good.
I didn't burn myself this time either, so that's always good. Guess I'm getting better at this cooking thing. Maybe I'll open up a restaurant or something. Call it the Drippy Faucet, and we'll cater to sailors and badasses. If people don't leave with more bruises than they came in with they'll get a refund.
Also: My toy collection is growing:
Two Gurren Lagaan, a Shakugan no Shana, Final Fantasy 4, and Marvel collectibles.
These are my favorites:
So awesome. Trying to get the whole set, and then a second whole set to sell. Still have yet to set up an e-bay store, but I shall, and it will bring in the bacon.
I should cook some bacon. I think I'm afraid I might scald out my jugular vein or something though.
Tomorrow is a free day. I think I may study for once. Or just read. But...reading is technically studying, because I'm reading in Japanese. Hurray! A loophole!
Sunday is karaoke. I will remember to charge my camera and take pictures. Much to my chagrin though, I realized the video quality is awful. WEll, scratch that. The videos are fine, the audio is terrible. So if anyone knows of any free software that can help restore audio, a link would be greatly appreciated. In return, I dunno, I'll post a picture of my boobs or something. It's the internet, that's always appreciated.
[looks around]
Man. Tomorrow is room cleaning day. Else I get evicted for being so slovenly.
Sloth is my favorite sin.
Those marvel toys are awesome, what characters are there left to get?
Wolverine, Silver Surfer, Iron Man, Spider Man, and a mystery figure. It's from a gashapon vending machine so it's a random figure. I have two Things already :(
I'll buy any duplicates if they are cheap enough, those look sweet!
Sure thing. I'll let you know when I get more, the Ben Grimm is already promised to someone who's been helpin me out a bunch.
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