Oy vay. I still need to see if I can find a restaurant around here. People tell me they exist, but I haven't been able to FIND any. We shall soon see.
Chinese cultural festival was today. It was...less than exhilarating. There were something like 3 booths for food up and 3 more booths for selling things. And there was a stage set up but there was mostly just music playing from a cd system. So...kinda lame. One good thing though: Yakitori.
I wake up every morning going "Just once, I'd like yakitori-san to be here for an extra day in the week. I love that yakitori so much". Well, today was that day. Rawk.
The other food was good too. I got invited to eat the leftovers with the workers somehow. I went to go buy some and they said they were closed but then a girl spoke up saying "If you want you can help us finish what we have left" (or the approximate to that, but in severely broken English). I failed at it and only got about half a cup of the soup for my efforts, despite one of the girls assisting me, but I said "Hao chi fan, xie xie ni" which to my best knowledge means "Good food, thank you". So that went well.
Also, one of my classmates was there, who is apparently Chinese (the fiend!). He kept trying to get me to do calligraphy, but for the life of me I couldn't remember my Chinese name from class so I made due with drawing a picture. But I couldn't think of what to draw, so I go "Ota, what should I draw?" and Ota said "Draw Spiderman!"
So I did.
Rest of the day was mostly laundry, doing some homework,and walking back and forth from the bus station debating whether or not I should go to the mall. I decided ultimately not to based on the fact that I'm supposed to go to karaoke tomorrow.
Or was, rather.
Yuan just stopped by my room to let me know that JM had to study really hard and couldn't come with us and some of the other girls were were bringing aren't in Beppu right now. So he made me go to JM's room to...tell him I was sad that we weren't going, apparently. I'm not sure how that happened. Anyways, there was a girl there and I arm wrestled her and she cheated by tickling me.
And I got a brushburn on my elbow.
Man, Japanese people are such jerks.
Also: Image dump! Check out my hideous photobucket link for new pics. And for people that have been complaining about my spelling, if you tell me I tend to go back and edit the post. So I may bitch and moan about how much of a jerk you are, but I sort of appreciate it I guess? I type this up in Internet Explorer so no default spell checker like Firefox has. Lame.
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