When you have to WAIT for PICTURES to load that's a problem. I'm okay with waiting a few minutes for youtube or something, but pictures? What is this, 1994? God, I think some of the people who read this blog are younger than that. You blessed children, never having to know the pains of slow internet. Unless you come to Japan.
Please don't.
Anyways, today was another skip all my classes days. Slept through the first one, didn't care about the second one. Tomorrow is the last week of classes before quarter break, so I'm allowed these small priveleges in my mind's eye.
Tried to make latkes today. My grater wouldn't....grate. I have no idea why. But when I tried grating the potatoes with it it just sort of....liquidated them. Did the same thing with the onions, and those were crisper. So I just chopped it all up and made some hash browns (AGAIN). They were delicious though so I don't mind. GOnna go look for an actual grater grater, cause I think I might have gotten something...else.... by accident. I have no idea. Maybe I just suck at this.
Anyways, I promised pictures:
Neat poster right? The uninitiated might not notice, but I took a picture of it because Johnny Storm is written Johnny Stome. I know, hilarious. Shut up.
There's the popee paper. It's paper for when you poopie.
More chocolate filled bear treats. I told you I start with the left ear. And he still looks ridiculously happy. Probably induced by the lobotomy.
One more:
This poster is very convenient as it has two of my professors on it (I keep getting yelled at by randos for calling them "teachers"). On a side note, it's also the most incriminating piece of evidence against me that I've posted here. I'll probably get deported for bitching about my classes or something now.
Anyways, bottom left is Professor Kee Pookang from Malaysia. He taught my Multiculturalism class and was a nice guy for the most part. I missed something like three classes though based on the fact that it was in the middle of the week after all my other classes and first period so I was not ready to wake up that early. Oh well. Interesting stuff, some Japan bashing that was amusing. Also there was an entire lecture about racism and the KKK in America, that had me avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room.
The top right is Professor Jeremy Eades who is a very awesome person. First of all, he's British, and despite that reminds me of Sean Connery. He's really intelligent and apparently has done a lot of travelling, and has some pretty cool stories about it all. I feel bad because his was one of my favorite classes, but the only one that didn't take attendance so I tended to skip it to get work done. Ah, oh well. Apparently he's involved in the UN or some such thing if I heard correctly. He's an important faculty in the school too but I can't remember why. Overall, pretty awesome.
That's all the pictures I suppose.
I started reading The Watchmen and am about halfway through the graphic novel now. IT's amazing, definitely deserves all the hype. I don't know why it took me so long to read it. Anyone who doesn't know by now, though, the ending of the movie is changed from the book if you care.
I'm making a gigantic journey tomorrow, provided I wake up early enough to get to the ATM. Going to Book-off the discount book store to grab me a pile of cheap cheap dirt cheap manga for more practice, and maybe see what other used things they have there. Then I'm walking through Beppu to get to the mall. So, that'll be an adventure. I'm going early enough in the day (hopefully) that my camera will be of use, so stay optimistic on that front.
That's all for now. Send me pizza. I'm desperate.
From what I heard they were testing different endings to see if viewers would accept the original ending from the book. It is a weird ending but regardless they shouldnt change it, especially since Alan Moore doesnt want the movie made at all.
Yeah, but Alan Moore is kind of a jerk anyways. And he did approve one of the drafts for the movie so there is that.
As long as the meaning of the comic is still conveyed in the movie I don't really have an issue with it. And in addition to this, it helps distinguish that the comic and the movie are two separate things, which is what Alan Moore wanted in the first place.
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