So far I only have the five star ball, but that just means that I'm one step closer to collecting them all. After I get the other 6 I'll have one of my wishes granted. I'm not sure what it is. I think I'll try to cheat the dragon by writing on a sheet of paper all the things I want and then being all "I want my life to be like the things written on this paper." I dunno if that'll work or not, they never tried to exploit that loophole. He might just screw me over and make the world two dimensional. Or just me. That'd probably hurt.
I didn't do anything today aside from use my supernatural senses to determine that I should probably buy more toilet paper, so let's show some pictures:
This may not look like anything special, but I assure you it is. Okay, well maybe special should be in quotes. It's "special." There, that's better. That's pretty much how I describe Japan anyways. But this is a glass door, in the middle of the mall. FOR NO REASON. I looked around. There aren't any panels to connect to it to block off the area, and the door is locked. It's just a door in the middle of the floor. I've always wanted one, but for the purpose of my amusement, and probably somewhere in my yard or inside my house. Or I'd just build it in the middle of the woods somewhere. But it makes even less sense to be in a professional structure.
Also holy crap I just realized there is a tags list box on the bottom of this window. 40+ blogs in and I just notice this now. I should probably start putting things in there. Maybe I'll make some money off of it or get a book deal or something. Sweet. Anyways, more pictures:
Hurray! It's an import store! Called Deli for some reason. And since I'm in Japan their primary import is....American things! Oh god sweet succulent heaven. They have pringles there, AMERICAN pringles. None of this miso soup boiled squid flavored crap. Thank God for silly western trend stores. They also sell a lot of Disney stuff in there. Apparently America = Disney, cause I've had a good amount of people ask me about Disney World.
This is a pastry I bought today. I ate the left ear first, for anyone who was dying to know. The thing was filled with chocolate pudding/frosting/filling/stuff so it was delicious through and through. Japan is cool that way.
Now, back to my fortress of solitude.
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