But this?
This is unforgivable.
My toys, sneaking around and cavorting behind my back. I caught them in the act red handed, and needless to say, they are both being reprimanded for such public acts. Honestly, the paint could rub off their molds. I didn't buy them just to get damaged, dagnabbit.
For his good behavior, Cyborg 009-kun has beeb upgraded to a special location as my power button.
Lookit how goddamn happy he is. Proud of my boy.
Anyways, I missed the sex museum today. For some reason all my facebook settings were turned off so I didn't get the notification from Jennifer about WHEN we were going and as such it was earlier than I woke up. Bugger.
Thing is, these things WERE set before. Somebody has been messing with my account. I'm getting really sick of this. First my Gaia account and now my facebook? If they get to my bank I'm going to start cracking skulls. I hate being on this school network.
Incidentally, I keep neglecting this blog in the other window in favor of my project. I'm writing about turning 21 in America when your friends take you out drinking.
Yes, it's a final paper.
Why? Well, we're supposed to write about a tradition in our country. And well.... I'm an American. Internal problems right there.
So this is the closest I've got.
After that, sleep. Then wake up and make TACOS! Then go take the last exam I have before the break starts and booyaka. Then my celebratory milk, and I'll probably go sacrifice a small Japanese child to my dark elder gods or something. So, good night planned out.
I keep forgetting to link to this: The Sneeze
I'm probably way behind in finding it, considering even the Mythbuster's famous Adam is a fan. But I just came across this blog, and 9/10 times the blogs are hilarious, and I've almost fallen out of my seat laughing at a good share of them. Start with the Best of the Sneeze links on the side and especially the STEVE DON'T EAT IT which is disgusting and hilarious.
That's all. I'm off to go punish some more gay action figures.
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